Example (1) F Lon "not in sync"
| |
Player 1 orders for England | Player 7 orders for England |
A Lvp - Yor F Edi - Nwg F Lon - Nth |
A Lvp - Yor F Edi - Nwg F Lon - ENG |
Moves to go into adjudication: A Lvp - Yor, F Edi - Nwg, F Lon HOLD. |
Example (2) A Pic support-order 'overrules'
HOLD-order. A Spa move order does not overrule HOLD-order | |
Player 5 orders for France | Player 6 orders for France |
A Pic HOLD F MAO - Por A Spa - Mar |
A Pic S (E) F Nth - Bel F MAO - Por A Spa HOLD |
Moves to go into adjudication: A Pic S (E) F Nth - Bel, F MAO - Por, A Spa HOLD |